bObsweep Repairs
How To: Replace Bob's UV Lamp
These instructions are applicable to both bObsweep models. Follow the video or text descriptions to replace the disinfecting UV lamp on your automatic vacuum.
How To: Replace Bob's Side Brush Motor
A step-by-step guide to replacing the side brush motor on bObsweep Standard or Pethair. Follow the video or multimedia directions in order to open up bObsweep, remove the main board, replace the side brush motor, then close your vacuum for future use.
How To: Replace bObsweep's Power Switch
The guide will walk you through a power switch replacement on a bObsweep Standard or Pethair. It includes:
How To: Replace bObsweep's Bumper
The bumper for bObsweep Pethair and Standard are installed the same way. It holds the sensors that allow Bob to see any obstacles in his path. If a repair of the wall detection sensors is needed, the steps for replacing the whole bumper are the same when working on either bObsweep model.
How To: Replace bObsweep's Bumper Sensors
Both bObsweep Standard and Pethair models have two bumper sensors inside their covers. Whenever Bob runs into an obstacle, the sensors tell Bob to back away.